All goods and services supplied by MARYISA are sold subject to the following conditions which do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer: -

1. DEFINITIONS: In these Terms and Conditions THE COMPANY means MARYISA whose registered office is situated at 173 Commercial Road, London, UK and purchaser means any person or company who buys or has agreed to buy goods and GOODS mean any goods or services supplied by the Company and CONDITIONS mean the terms and conditions set out in this document. The singular shall be deemed to include the plural, person shall include the firm or company and vice versa.

2. APPLICABLE TERMS: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any contract for the sale of Goods shall be subject to the Conditions. Any oral or written terms offered or stipulated by the Purchaser shall, if inconsistent with the Conditions, be deemed rejected by the Company. No contract is made with the Company until there has been an acceptance in writing of an order placed by the Purchaser.

3. PRICES: The prices for the Goods are stated in the Company's quotation or if no quotation are given in the confirmation of order. The Company's prices are fixed for a period as stated in the quotation/order acknowledgement. Thereafter the Company reserves the right to vary prices without notice.

4. QUOTATIONS AND INVOICES: The right is reserved to amend any errors and/or omissions on quotations, invoices or any other documents of the Company. The quantity, quality and description of the Goods shall be those set out in the Company's quotation or order confirmation.

5. PACKING, CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE: Packaging, carriage and insurance to designated premises and on default or designation to any trading address, of the Purchaser shall be paid by the Purchaser and shall be charged at the Company's rates current at the time of order acceptance.

6. INVOICING AND PAYMENT: The Company shall invoice the Customer upon dispatch of the Goods from their premises or from the premises of its suppliers.

  1. Unless specified in the quotation, the price payable in respect of any delivery of the Goods by instalment shall be such proportion of the total price under the Contract as the Company may reasonably decide.
  2. The Company reserves the right to require payment of the full price of the Goods prior to delivery to the Purchaser. The Company shall give written notice of the exercise of this right to the Purchaser.
  3. If the Purchaser fails to make any payment when due then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Company, the Company shall be entitled to:
  • Terminate the contract and/or suspend any other further deliveries to the Purchaser; and/or
  • Apply any "on account" payments to whatever part of the debt the Company deems appropriate.

7. DELIVERY: The Goods shall be delivered to the address stated in the order confirmation or if no address is so stated then to any trading address of the Purchaser. All deliveries will be completed within 30 days of receipt of order - unless otherwise agreed. If delivery cannot be completed within these timescale then option to cancel or refund will be given. Risk in the Goods shall pass to the Purchaser upon delivery to the address. The Purchaser is advised to insure accordingly.

8. TITLE: Notwithstanding delivery and the passing of risk in the Goods, title to and ownership of the Goods shall not pass to the Purchaser until the Company has received in cash or cleared funds payment in full of the price of the Goods and all sums payable to the Company under any other agreement with the Purchaser or any other delivery or instalment has been paid.